Give me a lever and a place to stand, and I can move the world.

Archimedes (c. 287 – c. 212 BC)


Law and policy are powerful tools for transforming the world, but they must be used fairly, effectively and efficiently. Serova works to identify strategic levers: cost-effective measures that can have outsized impacts on our planet. Through research, awareness-raising and legal support, we use these levers to fight climate change, protect biodiversity and work towards a more sustainable planet.



Serova works across sectors to encourage and enable global transformation.  We target activities that have a significant impact on climate change, and look for leverage points where an efficient intervention can make a dramatic difference.


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Food and Land USe

Promoting sustainable dietary choices and efficient use of land and water.

Homes and Cities

Supporting climate friendly construction, planning, transport and energy usage.

Products and Purchases

Enabling consumers and companies to reduce impacts from production, transport and disposal of goods.

Livelihoods and Families

Decoupling livelihoods from unsustainable jobs and empowering all people to make decisions and thrive.


Protecting and restoring the forests, oceans, rivers and other ecosystems that provide the resources and services we need to survive.